Moth Photographers Group website only
Digital Guide to Moth Identification
Pages of Unidentified Moths
10 Most Wanted IDs
2007 Micros
2007 Tortricids
2007 Cochylids
2007 Pyralids
2007 Macros
Jim Vargo's Micros
Bob Patterson -- FL
Bob Patterson -- 2007 MD
Mark de Silva -- St. Vincent
John Davis -- WA (1)
John Davis -- WA (2)
Matthew Priebe -- East & West
Gerald Donehew -- San Antonio, TX
Jillian Cowles -- Arizona
Gerald Donehew's Moths -- San Antonio, TX
All Photographs © 2007 by Gerald Donehew
1229 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5043 - Pyrausta Pseudonythegalis
1155 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5043 - Pyrausta Pseudonythegalis
1180 --
[click to identify]
GD: 4957 - Algedonia [=Matuuraia] mysippusalis ?
1223 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5029 - Pyrausta volupialis
1757 --
[click to identify]
1784 --
[click to identify]
GD: 4992 - Uresiphita reversalis
2065 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5043 - Pyrausta Pseudonythegalis
2723 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5043 - Pyrausta Pseudonythegalis
2264 --
[click to identify]
2275 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5029 - Pyrausta volupialis
6075 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5037 - Pyrausta inornatalis
2484 --
[click to identify]
GD: 4992 - Uresiphita reversalis
3776 --
[click to identify]
BP: 5041 - Pyrausta augustalis
4811 --
[click to identify]
BP: 5041 - Pyrausta augustalis
3819 --
[click to identify]
3851 --
[click to identify]
0052 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8534 - Plusiodonta compressipalpis
1305 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8720 - Eubolina impartialis
1353 --
[click to identify]
MH: 9619 - Phosphila miseloides
1377 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7776 - Manduca quinquemaculata
1382 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8615 - Bulia similaris
MH: 8614-15 - B. deducta s. grp.
4809 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8600 - Melipotis indomita
2172 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8615 - Bulia similaris
MH: 8614-15 - B. deducta s. grp.
1654 --
[click to identify]
GD: - Heteranasa sp.
1942 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6389 - Digrammia decorata ?
1408 --
[click to identify]
GD: 2571 - Synanthedon decipiens
1877 --
[click to identify]
GD: - Lacinipolia sp.
2088 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8493 - Isogona tenuis
2163 --
[click to identify]
GD: 9190 - Charadra dispulsa
2167 --
[click to identify]
BB: 6311 - Macaria graphidaria
1565 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5107 - Lineodes integra
2250 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7894 - Hyles lineata
1900 --
[click to identify]
GD: 9030 - Ozarba aeria
3142 --
[click to identify]
GD: 4697 - Euclea delphinii
3147 --
[click to identify]
GD: 4697 - Euclea delphinii
3276 --
[click to identify]
GD: 4697 - Euclea delphinii
MH: 4696 - Euclea incisa
3907 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7985 - Heterocampa subrotata
4307 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8366 - Tetanolita mynesalis
4646 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7887 - Xylophanes pluto
4683 --
[click to identify]
GD: 9172 - Bagisara buxea
2014 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7990 - Heterocampa umbrata
3879 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7990 - Heterocampa umbrata
4969 --
[click to identify]
GD: 9136 - Acontia aprica
4996 --
[click to identify]
GA: - Acronicta sp.
MH: 9238 - Acronicta lobeliae
5103 --
[click to identify]
GD: 9067 - Diastema tigris
5160 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5538 - Parachma ochracealis
5291 --
[click to identify]
MQ: 9125 – Spragueia guttata
5311 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7746 - Automeris io
5498 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6373 - Digrammia denticulata
5673 --
[click to identify]
GD: 10441 - Leucania farcta ?
2418 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8674 - Toxonprucha crudelis ?
5084 --
[click to identify]
BP: 8545 - Anomis erosa
1261 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6389 - Digrammia decorata
2413 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6389 - Digrammia decorata ?
1652 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6389 - Digrammia decorata ?
2570 --
[click to identify]
GD: - Spargania sp.
2254 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7314 - Hammaptera parinotata
1475 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata
2094 --
[click to identify]
MH: 2094 - Diacme elealis
3248 --
[click to identify]
BB: 6311 - Macaria graphidaria
4320 --
[click to identify]
GD: 9070 - Amyna octo
4387 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6373 - Digrammia denticulata
4453 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8600 - Melipotis idomita
6010 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8642 - Hypocala andremona
4994 --
[click to identify]
GD: 5280 - Herpetogramma aeglealis
5310 --
[click to identify]
GD: 6352 - Macaria granitata
5521 --
[click to identify]
GD: 8749 - Pitchodis vinculum
5045 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7834 - Erinnyis ello
5653 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7887 - Xylophanes pluto
4771 --
[click to identify]
GD: 7864 - Eumorpha vitis
Moth Photographers Group
at the
Mississippi Entomological Museum
at the
Mississippi State University
Send suggestions for additions to the Book List to
Webmaster -- Moth Photographers Group
Unid19.shtml -- 11/14/2007