WWW Moth Photographers Group website only

Digital Guide to Moth Identification

11: Valerie G. Bugh's Unidentified Larvae -- IDs and Corrections Welcome
All photographs © Valerie G. Bugh, Austin, TX.
VGCat48 - [email ID]
VG: - Tortricid sp.

VGCat49 - [email ID]
VG: - Tortricid sp.

VGCat50 - [email ID]
Harrisina sp.

VGCat51 - [email ID]
Harrisina sp.

VGCat55 - [email ID]
DM: - Pterophoridae sp. (need host/larger photo)

VGCat70 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat58 - [email ID]
VG: - Synchlora sp.

VGCat59 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat62 - [email ID]
VG: - Chlorochlamys sp.

VGCat57 - [email ID]
VG: - Synchlora sp.

VGCat60 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat61 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat76 - [email ID]
VG: - Acronicta sp.

VGCat63 - [email ID]
VG: - Chlorochlamys sp.

VGCat64 - [email ID]
VG: - Eupithecia sp.

VGCat65 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat66 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat67 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat68 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat72 - [email ID]
VG: - Schizura sp.

VGCat73 - [email ID]
VG: - Zale sp.

VGCat74 - [email ID]
VG: - Zale sp.

VGCat77 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuid sp.

VGCat71 - [email ID]
VG: - Geometridae sp.

VGCat79 - [email ID]
VG: - Spodoptera sp.

VGCat80 - [email ID]
VG: - Spodoptera sp.

VGCat82 - [email ID]
VG: - Spodoptera sp.

VGCat83 - [email ID]
VG: - Spodoptera sp.

VGCat84 - [email ID]
VG: - Spodoptera sp.

VGCat85 - [email ID]
VG: - Spodoptera sp.

VGCat95 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuidae sp.

VGCat86 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat87 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat88 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat89 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat90 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat91 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat92 - [email ID]
VG: - Ypsolopha sp.

VGCat93 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat94 - [email ID]
VG: - Unassigned

VGCat96 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuidae sp.

VGCat97 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuidae sp.

VGCat99 - [email ID]
VG: - Tarachidia sp.

VGCat105 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuidae sp.

VGCat100 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuidae sp.

VGCat103 - [email ID]
VG: - Noctuidae sp.

Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions for additions to the Book List to Webmaster -- Moth Photographers Group

VG11.shtml -- 01/02/2009